Product Selection Guide

Have a look below at how we install our Dry Tap Tundish for both small and large boilers


Typical hotun tundish configuration for boiler installations hotun SF

Typical small water heater installation hotun SF

Installations that have a Pressure Relief Valve only (PRV)



No special requirements

No special requirements

Small Unvented

Typical hotun tundish configuration for boiler installations hotun SF

Typical small water heater installation hotun SF

Installations that have a Pressure Relief Valve only (PRV)



No special requirements

No special requirements

Large Unvented

Typical hotun tundish configuration for large unvented hot water heaters hotun hiflo SF

Installations that have a combined Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve (T/PRV)



Always have 200mm of straight pipe between the tundish inlet and the last change of direction upstream

Always place the tundish directly below the T/PRV outlet

32mm Outlet

Test have shown that most flows can be achieved on domestic applications with 32mm outlet pipework.

*Please note the requirements of the pipe being handle the temperatures for the duration of multiple high-temperature discharges.


22mm Outlet

RA Tech does not recommend that a tundish with a 22mm outlet is used on a high volume T/PRV discharge unless it can be verified that full flow can accommodated.


1. Always have the regulatory suggested 300m between the tundish outlet and the first elbow.


2. Use long radius or pulled bends to aid flow.


3. To optimise flow, ensure that there is a minimum of 300mm between each bend or elbow.